Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is the best treatment for rosacea?

My husband has it pretty bad on his face and back. We got some stuff called Prosacea but it doesn't seem to be helping him at all. Help!!What is the best treatment for rosacea?
hmmm looking at the other answers it seems to me that most people are just trying to copy and paste and spam with their hobby sites.

What rosacea sufferers need to do is connect with other rosacea sufferers to compare notes, read frequently asked questions and learn about new treatments etc.

The best place to do this at the Rosacea Support Group.

see you there.What is the best treatment for rosacea?
Please refrain from any intake of anitbiotics if possible. Long term exposure to the sun is also not a good thing. Below are a couple of articles I found that you might find interesting.
What is rosacea?

Rosacea (say ';rose-ay-shah';) is a disease that affects the skin on the face. It often begins as redness that looks like a blush across the nose, cheeks, chin or forehead. As time goes on, red pimples and pus-filled bumps may appear. Some people also notice small blood vessels across their nose and cheeks. In some people, the skin of the nose may become red and thick. This is called rhinophyma (say ';rye-no-fie-muh';). Rosacea can also affect the eyes. It may irritate and inflame the eyelids and the white part of the eye. This is called conjunctivitis.

What causes rosacea and who gets it?

No one knows the cause of rosacea. There may not be just one cause. Rosacea tends to run in fair-skinned families and tends to occur in people who blush easily. Symptoms usually begin in adults between the ages of 30 and 60. Women are more likely to get rosacea on the cheeks and chin, but men are more likely to get rhinophyma. Rosacea tends to be more severe in men.

Can rosacea be cured?

No, but it can be treated. Rosacea is a condition that lasts for a long period of time. For most people it tends to get better and then get worse (flare up). Rosacea may get worse over time if it is not treated. Treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms and making your skin look better.

How is rosacea treated?

The type of medicine your doctor recommends will depend on how your skin looks. Treatment generally works best at improving the pimples and bumps of rosacea. The redness of the skin is harder to treat. Medicines used to treat rosacea include antibiotics, which can be applied to the skin or taken as pills. Your doctor may recommend an oral antibiotic to start with and follow that with an antibiotic gel or cream called metronidazole (one brand name: MetroGel) that you apply to your skin.

It may take up to 2 months of treatment before the skin looks better. As your skin improves, the amount of oral antibiotic you take can often be cut down or stopped. Treatment with the gel may continue. It is hard to know how long you will need treatment for rosacea. Each person's skin is different, and your doctor may want to adjust your treatment.

Surgery may be used to correct rhinophyma. Enlarged blood vessels on your face can sometimes be removed by using a fine electric needle or with laser surgery.

What can I do to help my rosacea get better?

Certain things seem to make rosacea worse. These include sun exposure, hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, strenuous exercise, stress, and hot and cold temperatures. If these things make your rosacea worse, you may want to avoid them as much as possible.

Gentle skin care is best, and your doctor may recommend that you use a mild soap and a moisturizer. It is also a good idea to use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher on a regular basis.

Hope that the information provided will be of help to you, to see more info on health issue please visits my source
The best way to treat rosacea is to include an all inclusive combination or lifestyle tips or changes and healthy choices. many excellent lifestyle tips can be found at:鈥?/a>

I was really impressed by this statement below in understanding rosacea and it's causes:

';It has been said that rosacea is more than just a red face. In fact it is a complex system of action and reaction. Rosacea partially results from an overly acidic body and skin. The pH (potential of hydrogen) ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. As you rethink your past history, you will notice that all the rosacea triggers come from ';acidic items'; regardless of whether they are foods, drinks, stress, or merely out of breath. We all know that if we hold our breath for 30 seconds or 60 seconds, we will all notice that our face turns pink or red. We all know, but hardly think that the cause is a build up of carbon dioxide which is an ';acidic'; gas and we have a shortage of oxygen. Very similarly, when we exercise for a short period, we have a build up of ';lactic acid';, which is a body waste, which is obviously acidic. Likewise, those with acne need to be very concerned about the build up of acids in our blood stream due to the foods and beverages that we consume. We all know of our triggers such as alcohol, coffee, various medications, etc. which all have a pH below 7.0 or are termed acidic. Our objective therefore should be to balance, buffer or neutralize the acids with alkaline.';

So perhaps rosacea is more a case of achieving the proper balance to control your rosacea.

I have personally found the most success with the treatment protocol explained in the Rosacea-Ltd Treatment system. They believe in the theory of ';First do no harm';. The company also offers a 120-day full refund if for some reason you aren't satisfied with the results using their treatment.
Well, the best thing he can do is be careful of sun exposure for now.

Here is a guide for things he can do to reduce redness:鈥?/a>

Word of warning, my grandmother had roseacea and they put her on an antibiotic called tetracycline and she developed leukemia and is no longer with us. Do NOT take any antibiotic for more then a month or two. She was on that crap for about a year. Please be careful.

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